Instructor: Jana Raadik Cottrell

Offered Fall Semester Only

To paraphrase Socrates, there is no greater question than “how we should live”. Thus, the issues of value related to time, leisure and work directly address this question. Your course is about leisure in your life, what it means, and what it could mean. You will be asked to think about your own values and behavior. What makes you happy? What kind of experiences do you seek to enhance your life? What do you do when you are relatively free to choose? How do your choices affect your happiness, your health, your family, your friends, and society? Compared to a few decades ago, distinctive boundaries between leisure and work time have blurred; thus, meaningful experiences acquired through leisure, recreation and travel are even more important for a quality of life. Designed to introduce recreation and travel studies, this seminar encourages you to start by examining leisure as it relates to your life and then broaden your understanding to include the rest of the world in the context of healthy lifestyles and livelihoods.

A person relaxing in a field