There are Over

Different Involvement Opportunities for Honors Students
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 Opportunities Include:

  • Research
  • Study Abroad
  • Honors Residential Learning Community
  • Honors Student Association
  • Spiritus Mundi
  • Fireside Chats
  • Nominations for Faculty Awards

AND MORE- delivered right to your inbox weekly in the Opportunities Weekly Newsletter!

There are so many benefits to getting involved.

Student involvement is associated with higher grades
Students pose for photo in Zambia
Person holds up lab beaker and looks inside
Highly-involved students were rated 18 percent more career-ready than the uninvolved students
Involved students are three times more likely to be considered for job opportunities
Students stand with their hands up at the top of a mountain hike
  • Student involvement is associated with higher grades.
  • Highly-involved students were rated 18% more career-ready than the uninvolved students.
  • Highly-involved students were 3x more likely to be considered for the job by employers than the uninvolved students.
Statistics from Involvement in College Matters from the Center for the Study of Student Life at The Ohio State University.